Monday 15th of September
It was my first time at optimist yachting and it was a fun day. In Napier it was quite windy so it was good for the sail and we could move. When my class went kayaking we went under the bridge it was quite noisy we went past lots of peoples expensive boats and we were cruising around the place it was relaxing. For yachting I was with Bree and I did not really know what to do.
Tuesday 16th of September
I was at Interschool cross country and I got 26th in 2km of the year 5 girls
Wednesday 17th of September
It was the first time at optimist yachting with room 20. It was a really windy day and we got to choose what to do. There were three options they were yachting, kayaking or watching I chose Kayaking. I did not want to do yachting because it was really windy and I did not want to capsize, plus when the were on the rocks the were flapping hard. really easy it got hard so went and got changed. guess what, when I got out of the changing rooms it was sunny and I was annoyed. For on then I played on the playground.
Thursday 18th of September
Today was a lovely day and probably one of the best day even though it was cold. We had yachting races to the island and we had to touch the grass and go back. Bree and I got 4th in that. Second we had to go around two of the poi’s in the water it was really hard but we got second we were pleased with that. We had free time and I went with Kyrah In the yacht and we were watching Luke because he was about to capsize it was funny, but in the end he did not capsize.
Friday 19th of September LAST DAY!!!
Today was the last day and it was really fun we went in the kayaks first and for the first time at optimist yachting being in a single going by myself by the boats and my legs got sore even though they do not do anything. Yachting was so fun I went with umm lets see yes I went with Kyrah and I was having a go at the sail it is pretty easy all you have to do is find the wind and leave it in that position and you will sail away and I also went with Mrs Roil she was good at the sail she was even just laying down. Friday was like my best day.