Basketball Reflection
Write down five things to think about when you bounce a basketball.
- Feet shoulder width apart
- Bounce the ball below your waist
- Keep your hands on the ball most of the time
- Push the ball down with your hand and don’t pat it down.
- Keep your eyes on the ball most of the time as well as looking up to see what is happening around you.
What are the main four parts of basketball?
- Passing
- Shooting
- Dribbling
- Defence
How can you protect the ball from a defender?
Keep the ball close to you so you have more control of the ball and make sure your hand is following the ball so your hand is closer to grab before the defender gets the ball.
What was challenging for you?
Was keeping control of the ball and trying to bounce it below my waist.
What was your favourite part?
I Loved the shooting activity it was a really fun to do and I got a goal from the yellow line. I also learnt
What would you have liked to have learned more of?
I would loved to practice dribbling then not stopping with ball and dribbling again. I am really good at doing that then I get pulled up for double dribble.
What is something you learned?
How to shoot a goal properly in basketball
Insert a photo of yourself practising a skill