Friday, June 12, 2015


Last week we picked a wondering question.  I choose Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. I picked this because I wanted to know how many trees are getting cut down a year in New Zealand to make paper and cardboard.  I thought of a whole lot of other questions too.
My name: Sophia
My topic: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
What I already know for sure? (Facts)3 big wonderings (open ended questions)How could I find this out? Where could I look?How I would present my findings?
That there is a lot of paper being wasted How many trees are being cut down a year to make paper instead of reusing it in New Zealand? You can look on a websites Make a video to show people to use less paper
Lots of people don't use both sides of a piece of paperWhat trees can not make paper, Cardboard and other things?You can read a book to find out informationMake a Graph
When they cut trees down it floods and the soil goes hard because they have no oxygen from the treesHow much land has been covered by houses from being forestes?Ask a expert Make a poster

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