Friday, August 28, 2015

Fun Run Reflection

Last week we had the Fun Run at school.  I finished 4th in my race.  The course was 4 laps of both fields. I was so tired after the race because I was pushing myself to my personal best.  It was a really fun day.

  • In the fun run I competed in the year 6 girls comperterive run.  It was a 1800 meters run which is 4 laps around both fields.  I finished the run coming 4th. I was really proud of myself.

  • I showed Parkvale Pride because I was keep pushing myself to my personal best and coming such a great place. I also never gave up and was determined to finish it.

  • Someone else I noticed in the fun run was Cody because I noticed he was trying his personal best by pushing himself and even though he didn’t come first place he was still amazing on the course.

Interview Script:    
Camo: Hello everyone welcome to Sophia and Camo’s Fun Run Interview
Camo: So  I am going to ask you a few questions about the Fun Run
Sophia: Ok lets get started
Camo: What race did you compete in?
Sophia: I competed in the Year 6 girls Competitive run. It was 4 laps of both fields. It was to see if you were good enough to go to inter-schools. I was going really well.
Camo: Did you show parkvale pride?
Sophia: Yes because I was pushing myself to my personal best and coming such a great place. I also never gave up and was determined to finish it.
Camo: Did you notice anyone else showing parkvale pride?
Sophia: Yes I did I notice Cody because I noticed he was trying his personal best by pushing himself and even though he didn’t come first place he was still amazing on the course.
Camo: One last question. What place did you come?
Sophia: I finished 4 not that far behind 3rd place
Camo: Yes I saw that race it was a close one
Camo: I loved it how everyone showed Parkvale pride out there on Thursday It was an awesome day.
Camo: Goodbye see you next time.

Photo's of the fun run

My Interview


  1. Awesome work Sophia! I love the interview at the end and all this is very true.

  2. Well done Sophia,awesome reflection

  3. Awesome work Sophia.
    You made a very great script and presented it well. I love how you showed were you came in the competitive run and other photos. It looks amazing!
